Insane Things You Don’t Know About Pakistan

Surprising Facts About Pakistan You Didn’t Know

The World’s First Computer Virus Was Created in Pakistan

When it comes to computer viruses, they have become a common occurrence in today’s digital age. It’s not uncommon for us to download something on our computers only to find that it has come with a virus that ends up damaging the entire system. While computer viruses and antivirus software are developed in countries around the world, did you know that the world’s very first computer virus was created in Pakistan?

In 1986, two brothers living in the city of Lahore, Pakistan, named Basit and Amjad Farooq, created the world’s first computer virus, known as the “Brain” virus. These two brothers were software engineers who had developed a medical software and were worried about it being pirated, so they created a virus that would spread through floppy disks. As soon as a user installed the infected floppy disk on their computer, the virus would infiltrate the system and cause damage. This was the first computer virus to be introduced to the world, and even today, computer viruses continue to be developed.

Pakistan’s Highest ATM Machine

ATM machines are found in countries around the world, designed to provide convenience for people to withdraw their money without having to go to the bank. While ATMs are typically located on the ground, did you know that Pakistan is the only country in the world that has an ATM machine located at the top of a mountain?

The ATM in question belongs to the National Bank of Pakistan and is situated at an elevation of over 16,000 feet on the Gupis Pass in the Gilgit-Baltistan region. This makes it the highest ATM machine in the world, catering to the travelers journeying between Pakistan and China.

The World’s Largest Ambulance Service

Ambulances are a common sight in countries around the world, providing emergency medical services to those in need. However, did you know that Pakistan is home to the largest ambulance service in the world?

The Edhi Foundation is a welfare organization that was founded in 1951 by Abdul Sattar Edhi and his wife. Edhi had his own fleet of ambulances and would transport injured people to the hospital free of charge. Over time, the Edhi Foundation grew to become the largest welfare organization, with an estimated 18,800 ambulances as of 2016, a number that has likely grown even further since then. The foundation also has two aircraft and a helicopter that provide 24-hour free services.

The World’s Highest Cricket Stadium

The world is home to countless cricket grounds, but did you know that the most beautiful and unique cricket stadium in the world is located in Pakistan?

The stadium, known as the Natural Cricket Stadium, is situated in the Gilgit-Baltistan region of Pakistan at an elevation of 8,500 feet. This makes it the highest cricket ground in the world. Prior to January 2021, not many people were aware of this stunning cricket stadium nestled amidst the beautiful mountains and trees of Pakistan. It was a local journalist from the District Nagar who first shared pictures of the stadium online, revealing this hidden gem to the world.

Pakistan’s Blind Dolphins

Dolphins are beautiful creatures found in the oceans around the world. However, there is a unique species of dolphin that can only be found in Pakistan, known as the “blind dolphins.”

These dolphins are naturally blind, as they do not have eyes. They are a rare species that inhabit the Indus River in Pakistan, the only place in the world where they are found. It is a mystery as to why these dolphins are born without eyes and how they manage to survive and thrive in the river without the ability to see.

The Second Highest Mountain in the World


It is common knowledge that the highest mountain in the world is Mount Everest, which stands at an impressive height of 29,000 feet above sea level, straddling the border between China and Nepal. But did you know that the second-highest mountain in the world is also located in Pakistan?

The mountain, known as K2 or Karakoram, is situated in the Gilgit-Baltistan region of Pakistan. Standing at an elevation of 28,250 feet, K2 is the second-tallest mountain on the planet. First discovered in 1862, this majestic peak offers a breathtaking view that makes it feel as if one has reached the heavens. Climbing K2 is considered one of the most challenging feats in mountaineering, and the stunning scenery surrounding it is unparalleled.

Ancient Civilizations in Pakistan

When it comes to ancient history, the first thoughts that often come to mind are the Egyptians and their pyramids. However, did you know that some of the oldest and most developed ancient civilizations were actually located in Pakistan?

The Indus Valley Civilization, also known as Mohenjo-daro, is one of the oldest urban settlements in the world, predating the Egyptian pyramids by several centuries. This ancient city, located near the Indus River in the Sindh province of Pakistan, was built around 4,500 years ago and boasted an advanced drainage system, toilets, and a sophisticated urban planning that was ahead of its time.

Another ancient civilization that thrived in Pakistan was the Harappa culture, located in the Sahiwal district of Punjab. While not as well-preserved as Mohenjo-daro, the ruins of Harappa showcase a highly developed society with a complex drainage system and evidence of urban planning. These ancient civilizations in Pakistan demonstrate the rich history and cultural heritage of the region, predating many other renowned ancient societies.

The World’s Second-Largest Salt Mine

When it comes to salt mines, the largest one in the world is located in the Canadian province of Ontario. However, did you know that the second-largest salt mine in the world can be found in Pakistan?

The Khewra Salt Mine, located in the city of Khewra in the Punjab province, is an impressive salt mine that has been in operation for over 400 years. Spanning an area of 11,000 acres, this salt mine is famous for its unique pink salt and Himalayan salt, which are highly sought after around the world. The mine has been beautifully decorated, with intricate salt structures, a salt mosque, and a salt minaret, making it a popular tourist attraction in addition to being a major source of salt production.

The World’s Soccer Ball Capital

Football, or soccer as it is known in some parts of the world, is one of the most popular sports globally. Millions of soccer balls are manufactured every year to meet the demand for this beloved game. But did you know that the majority of the world’s soccer balls are actually produced in a single city in Pakistan?

The city of Sialkot, located in the Punjab province of Pakistan, is responsible for manufacturing around 70% of the world’s soccer balls. These balls are all handmade, and even the soccer balls used in the FIFA World Cup are produced in Sialkot. Pakistan’s expertise in crafting high-quality, durable soccer balls has made it the undisputed global capital for this essential sporting equipment.

In conclusion, Pakistan is a country that is full of surprises and little-known facts that may astound even the most well-informed individuals. From being the birthplace of the world’s first computer virus to boasting the highest ATM machine, the largest ambulance service, the world’s highest cricket stadium, and even ancient civilizations that predate the Egyptians, Pakistan is a treasure trove of unique and fascinating information. As this video has demonstrated, there is much more to this South Asian nation than meets the eye. The next time you hear someone make assumptions about Pakistan, be sure to share some of these incredible facts to open their eyes to the wonders that this country has to offer.

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